4-part yoga journey consists of 4 practice videos each about 20 minutes long. You can use them separately or mix and match to create a practice that suits your mood, time of day and your energy level. PART 3 is a Yin yoga practice - long holds in stretches, mainly targeting the hips and the spine. Yin yoga balances the more dynamic practices, bringing in the qualities of acceptance and patience, slowing you down enough to notice the subtle aspects of how your body and mind operate, relate and react. |
![]() Do you have those days when you know, that moving a little on your mat would do you a world of good, but still it is damn hard to get on the mat? I do. On those days, I get on the mat anyway, but first I just lay on my back, roll around a bit, start breathing more deeply and do some very basic and simple exercises that get the energy moving. First I give myself permission to feel whatever I'm feeling, no obligations or pressure for it to be something different. More often than not, starting out in this manner - moving WITH whatever is present - my practice shapes me from feeling stuck into an effortless flow, often keeping me on the mat and moving much longer than I intended. Without force, pressure, expectation or agenda. I'm sharing one of those practices here with you ![]()
I am putting this out a day before Christmas Eve! We are fully into the holiday season, fully in the darkest time of the year (here in the Northern hemisphere). In the nature, this is the time for hibernation, for slowing down, for sleeping more and taking rest. Time for introspection, maybe count your blessings of the year that has almost passed.
This one is a real home video - I filmed this as a wedding gift to my best friend in Australia. We met at our Yoga Teacher Training in 2007 in Byron Bay and since then have supported each other through various trials life has presented us with. Yoga has always been something that has united us, so when filming these simple practices of Vinyasa and Yin Yoga I was re-living the times we used to practice together. So if at times, I come across as if talking to my best friend - it is because I AM talking to (you as) my best friend. Jacinta happily lets me share these videos with you, I've edited out some parts where I'm addressing her directly, but a lot of the warmth I feel for her and her husband is still very much captured, I think. This one is a meditative Yin Yoga practice. I will explain the nature of the practice at the beginning of the video. It is aimed mainly for your lower back and also to get deeper into the hips (stimulating your kidney and urinary bladder meridians through forward folds and sphinx pose, and the stomach meridian through the lunge series). As always, stay mindful of your body's limitation - no pushing, no forcing, stay kind and loving! This too is part of the wedding gift video series I did for my best friend in Australia. Vinyasa Flow has been "our" practice, we would often practice together in the mornings in gorgeous natural settings that Australia is so abundant in providing. So again, the friendly tone of the practice is carried by my memories of my yogic life in Australia. I'm happy to share that vibe with you and hopefully the soulshine that Australia graced me with will transport through space and time to brighten up your day. Enjoy this practice any time that suits you, though it would be a perfect flowing connecting way to start your day in the morning. It will move your spine, open the hips and get you in your groove! A shorter practice, mainly focused on opening the upper body and shoulders, sprinkled with some twists for spine, lunges for hips and back strengtheners. A wholesome "feel good practice" with a mellow pace to bring in ease, fluidity and vitality. ENJOY!! An intermediate level vinyasa flow class with options if you want to keep it more mellow. Somehow, the Savasana bit in the end has gotten "lost" in the editing process ... so you have to improvise:)! Stay safe and have fun! |
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