This can be used in combination with any other practice or as a stand-alone practice in and of itself.
Embodying balance and not something static, rigid and never to be lost, but as an ability to hold the complexity of being a human. Holding both light and darkness, ease and discomfort, expansion and contraction, joy and sadness, remembering and forgetting, inhale and exhale ...
For the practice lay down and make sure you are comfortable and warm, that there will be no distractions.
Consider using:
*pillow or blanket under the head
*bolster/pillows under knees to release lower back
*blanket to cover
*something to cover the eyes
Embodying balance and not something static, rigid and never to be lost, but as an ability to hold the complexity of being a human. Holding both light and darkness, ease and discomfort, expansion and contraction, joy and sadness, remembering and forgetting, inhale and exhale ...
For the practice lay down and make sure you are comfortable and warm, that there will be no distractions.
Consider using:
*pillow or blanket under the head
*bolster/pillows under knees to release lower back
*blanket to cover
*something to cover the eyes