In this YIN practice we focus on the hips and the lower body, we bring awareness to the exhale and letting that downflow connect us to the earth. It's a time of nurturing, centering, connecting, slowing down.
EARTH PRACTICE series - focuses on grounding, finding ones center, winding down. We begin from ground up - as any healing begins by strengthening and reconnecting to your own center and listening to your own inner voice. |
This is your slow, passive, contemplative Yin practice! Excellent for busy times, to take a time-out and get clear where you're at. This practice is ideal for both - the beginning of your day to stretch the sleep out of your body or the end of your day to wind down and de-stress your tissues and mind.
Use it on its own or make your practice longer and combine it with either of the two other videos in the EARTH practice series:
- The guided meditation is (again) ideal either as an introduction to your Yin stretches or use the openness in the body and stillness in your mind and sit after your Yin practice.
- The Hatha practice can be used before to release some of the business from the body/mind, so that it is easier to BE in the yin poses. OR the Yin practice can be used to stretch into the deeper tissues of the body to prepare it for a round of more movement based Hatha yoga.

The MUSIC used as a soundtrack in all these practices is created by my partner Eli Salzman and now also released in an album called Kukeranna.
The album is unique as most of the tracks were recorded when Eli played LIVE in my yoga classes at our annual summer retreat in beautiful Kukeranna, Estonia.
This is a powerful soundtrack for yoga practice, meditation, ritual or simply relaxing and enjoying.
The album is available for download in iTunes,
in Bandcamp (for €) and in CDbaby (for $).
Have a listen and share the good vibes!
The album is unique as most of the tracks were recorded when Eli played LIVE in my yoga classes at our annual summer retreat in beautiful Kukeranna, Estonia.
This is a powerful soundtrack for yoga practice, meditation, ritual or simply relaxing and enjoying.
The album is available for download in iTunes,
in Bandcamp (for €) and in CDbaby (for $).
Have a listen and share the good vibes!