EARTH PRACTICE series - it means a 3-part practice that focuses on getting you grounded, centered and lands you in your body. Any healing begins by strengthening and reconnecting to our own center and listening to our own inner voice. I brought my earth yoga outdoors of course, onto the earth to soak up some of that earthy Qi.
The practice consists of 30 minute Yin yoga, 30 minute Yang (Hatha) yoga and 15 minutes of meditation, it leaves you balanced with two feet on the ground. |
This is another MIX and MATCH practice - you can go through the entire 1,5 hour practice starting with passive Yin stretches, moving on to a calming and balancing Hatha yoga and finishing up with a short pranayama and guided mindfulness meditation.
My intention with this practice was to create some space for winding down, while feeling into our bodies and breath, using the exhaling part of our breathing cycle to get grounded, letting the downward flow release stress and tension from the body and mind.
The yin – passive, silent, deep, allowing, mystical and observing part of life; and the yang – dynamic, active, constantly changing, the flowing and moving part of life. In terms of your yoga practice it means starting with long, static stretches that reach the deeper tissues of the body (connective tissue, fascia, tendons, ligaments). We then bring that mindful, receptive presence into an active, more dynamic and moving Hatha yoga practice - never losing sight of our true intention to have integrity and become more present and awake in our moment-to-moment experience of life.
My intention with this practice was to create some space for winding down, while feeling into our bodies and breath, using the exhaling part of our breathing cycle to get grounded, letting the downward flow release stress and tension from the body and mind.
The yin – passive, silent, deep, allowing, mystical and observing part of life; and the yang – dynamic, active, constantly changing, the flowing and moving part of life. In terms of your yoga practice it means starting with long, static stretches that reach the deeper tissues of the body (connective tissue, fascia, tendons, ligaments). We then bring that mindful, receptive presence into an active, more dynamic and moving Hatha yoga practice - never losing sight of our true intention to have integrity and become more present and awake in our moment-to-moment experience of life.
THE FULL EARTH PRACTICE - yin yoga + hatha yoga + guided meditation
All the practices below can be used on their own or in any combination.

The MUSIC used as a soundtrack in all these practices is created by my partner Eli Salzman and now also released in an album called Kukeranna.
The album is unique as most of the tracks were recorded when Eli played LIVE in my yoga classes at our annual summer retreat in beautiful Kukeranna, Estonia.
This is a powerful soundtrack for yoga practice, meditation, ritual or simply relaxing and enjoying.
The album is available for download in iTunes,
in Bandcamp (for €) and in CDbaby (for $).
NOW also available limited edition CDs with Yoga Guide booklet.
Have a listen and share the good vibes!
The album is unique as most of the tracks were recorded when Eli played LIVE in my yoga classes at our annual summer retreat in beautiful Kukeranna, Estonia.
This is a powerful soundtrack for yoga practice, meditation, ritual or simply relaxing and enjoying.
The album is available for download in iTunes,
in Bandcamp (for €) and in CDbaby (for $).
NOW also available limited edition CDs with Yoga Guide booklet.
Have a listen and share the good vibes!