I apologize first, this is NOT A VIDEO as I am facing ridiculously many obstacles in trying to finish editing this last clip I shot on an incredibly beautiful late September day. As this was meant to be a seasonal yoga offering, I decided to break it down into stills - and hopefully one day (soon) I'll manage to finish the edit of the filmed version. Please give it a try, practicing in a different way and let me know what you think. |
I returned the next day to film this clip for you - to share the moment in a yin way. I hope to get my technical s**** together soon and have the video up as well, but until then, maybe the picture-sequence and explanations below can help you with this transitional season time.
And of course this sequence can be used during other season as well. Both the Metal and Earth element help to facilitate grounding, generating present moment awareness along with slowing down and letting go of what no longer serves.
Come to your appropriate edge (no forcing, no pushing)
Soften the outer muscles of the body
Resolve to be still
Hold for longer
SEATED MEDITATION (2-5 mins) RESTORATIVE BACKBEND WITH A BLANKET (2-5 min) DRAGON (2 min) | It is always a good idea to settle and take a few moments in a simple comfortable seat. Our practice will focus on two organ pairs: * lungs & large intestine as the organs in the element of metal and corresponding to the season of autumn * stomach & spleen in the element of earth corresponding to the time of late summer. Take your blanket (not a too fluffy one) and roll it up tightly. You place the blanket right under the shoulder blades and as you lie down, the tips of your shoulders need to be on the mat. Your arms are above your roll, maybe in a cactus shape. Your legs can be straight or if the lower back feels tight, keep the soles of the feet on the mat. Widening the breath, opening the lungs, in TCM Lung is described as the receiver of the pure Chi from the Heavens. To come out, hug your knees to chest and roll over to one side and come up. LOW DRAGON (2min) |
Slowly release to either child pose or take a brief Downward Facing Dog.
Then repeat the same two poses on the other side.
Stomach and Spleen meridians run through the front of the thighs and then into the stomach. Late summer is associated with the power of "decrease" at the same time with the hight of abundance. It is time to look at your personal harvest, to celebrate your creation while also letting go of the fruits of your labor. It is a time to slow down, to gather inward. In our bodies, the earth is represented by the stomach and spleen, the organs that receive food and enable us to be nourished by its essence. Pay attention also to your mental and emotional intake and make sure it is nourishing rather than harmful.
Stay for 1 - 2 minutes (be conservative!), as you roll out stay on your belly for at least 30 seconds before taking on the other side.
Always rest before moving onto the next thing. Let the tissues rest and restore!
Sphinx/Seal pose mainly affects Urinary Bladder and Kidney meridian lines (running through lower back and sacrum), but mildly still stimulates Stomach and Spleen line along top of legs. According to TCM kidneys house our vital essence (jing), which is the inherited Qi from our parents. Along with Spleen and Lungs, Kidneys are part of the process of Qi formation.
For this one - if in doubt, leave it out or talk to a teacher face-to-face about how to make this pose accessible to your specific needs.
CATERPILLAR (5 mins) | Bring your legs towards the top of the mat, setting yourself up for a forward fold. Elevate your hips on top of a folded blanket if needed (to make sure your hips tilt forward), place a roll of some sort (blanket, bolster) under your knees if you struggle here with folding forward. Place block(s) under forehead if letting the head hang pulls too hard on the neck. Your stomach and lungs are compressed at the front, stimulating digestion and directing air to the back of the lungs, stimulating kidneys and balancing the overall flow of chi. |
SNAIL (2 - 5 min) I very rarely offer Snail (Halasana/Plough pose) like this over internet - so please be mindful of the signals coming from your body when attempting this. Do NOT do this if you have any neck issues, high blood pressure, when on your moon cycle - do the one offered in the next column (bridge). I also use a neatly (!!) folded blanket under my shoulders (placed so, that when I bring my legs over, the tips of my shoulders are still on the blanket). Keep the knees bent in this yin version, support the back with hands (release hands down only when feet touch the ground). This offers a deep release for the spine, all internal organs are massaged and compressed, front of the lungs compressed, Urinary bladder lines stimulated. | alternative to snail: BRIDGE on a block If you are not going upside down today, bring a block (or any solid support) under your pelvis. Start with the feet on the ground, letting your pelvis get heavy and drop onto the support. There is an option to straighten the legs out - keep watching how your lower back feels about it though. The whole frontline of the body opens, a gentle elevation of the heart above head (a definition of inversion). A very nourishing posture, gentle opening for the front of the thighs when legs are straight, you might also feel slight compression in the lower back, opens the lungs and heart. To release step your feet on the mat, remove the block and lie on your back for several breaths. |
The revolving poses (twists) mobilize the coils of the large intestine and activate the apanic (downward-moving, expulsive) force in the body.
To restore the element of Metal in the season of autumn - is to learn from the season and act in harmony with its spirit. The nature moves into a period of rest, so we too are offered a chance to pause and gather inward. Nourishing the body and mind, taking time to breathe more slowly, walk more slowly, talk more slowly. It is also a good time for mental inventory - to look at our attitudes of prejudice, envy, hatred, jealousy and resentment - to notice the patterns, how they make us feel, what is being created out of such mental states.
The emotion of metal element is grief. We all experience loss, grief helps to cleanse us, it too is part of the process of letting go.