A little bit of everything! Part of a SPRING INTO YIN series, this session includes some liver and gallbladder poses, mixed with kidney stimulation, upper body stretch and twist to wake up the small and large intestine. Moving the spine in all directions serves as a good release for the whole system. |
This is part of a series of seasonal SPRING related sequences - one way to support your body during a change in seasons. Each sequence has a special focus and this one can be called "Liver and friends" - Liver (and its partner Gallbladder) are the organs that are most sensitive and in the spotlight during springtime. If Liver and Gallbladder are supported and balanced during spring, the entire body will benefit and be set up with best possible health foundation to be strong and well in the season to come. Spring is a good time to detox in general - to clear out some winter sluggishness from our system. More detailed description of SPRING season YIN yoga here.
If you're familiar with Yin yoga scroll down and go straight to the practice. If not, then here are your basic guidelines:
The holding times in the brackets are mere suggestions. this particular sequence had beginners in mind, so I hold don't hold each pose for very long. Feel free to customize to your need and level.
If you're familiar with Yin yoga scroll down and go straight to the practice. If not, then here are your basic guidelines:
- never go to your maximum depth when entering a posture - pause when you feel first signs of resistance in the body
- keep softening and relaxing the outer muscles of the body
- remain still and patient and observant
The holding times in the brackets are mere suggestions. this particular sequence had beginners in mind, so I hold don't hold each pose for very long. Feel free to customize to your need and level.
DANGLING / 1 - 2 min | Start by having your feet hip distance or wider and hang forward. Knees can be bent a little or a lot or straight - depends on the stiffness in the backs of your legs and the health of your lower back. Drop your head, relax your neck and jaw ... and dangle. This can be totally held longer than 2 minutes - but if you're new start with a shorter hold and keep checking in both while in the posture and afterwards. AFTER: come straight to next posture by stepping your right leg back. |
HIGH DRAGON / 1-2 min | ...variation (use block for stability) |
...variation (hold the elbow)
From Dangling step the LEFT leg back and prepare yourself for High Dragon - place support under the back knee if it hurts, keep your right hip sinking down while placing your hands on the right thigh and lifting the upper body away from the thigh. Stay mindful of the lower back, if you feel wobbly see if a block under the left hand helps to stabilize |
(if you cannot comfortably reach to the block, place another block flat underneath it). Or another option here is to wrap the left arm around your back grabbing the right elbow.
AFTER: take a short rest in CHILD pose, then EITHER do the other side (LEFT leg in front) or do DANGLING one more time and then step RIGHT leg back to do the Dragon with LEFT leg in front. After the second side, rest in Child pose again.
AFTER: take a short rest in CHILD pose, then EITHER do the other side (LEFT leg in front) or do DANGLING one more time and then step RIGHT leg back to do the Dragon with LEFT leg in front. After the second side, rest in Child pose again.
ANAHATASANA / 2-3 min | From Child post, come to all-fours, keep your hips on top of your knees and walk the hands forward. Either keep forehead down or chin down (if neck allows). Not actively reaching, but melting the heart, stretch into the sidebody, shoulders, armpits and arms. AFTER: come lie on your belly. |
In Sphinx bring your elbows under your shoulders (or forward from the shoulders), relax your legs and buttocks. Keep head upright, or drop your head or use a block under the forehead (experiment what works!). Let your spine sag. If you feels this in the slower back a lot and it becomes hard to relax, walk your elbows forward more. If you feel you can relax here and you want to try a deeper pose, then after 2-3 minutes in Sphinx change to Seal.
In Seal walk the hands out and straighten through the elbows. Keep relaxing the legs and buttocks. If this feel too strong for the lower back, come back to Sphinx.
In Seal walk the hands out and straighten through the elbows. Keep relaxing the legs and buttocks. If this feel too strong for the lower back, come back to Sphinx.
DEER can serve as an alternative to Swan (your might know it as Pigon from Hatha yoga). It is sometimes also called a 90 / 90 pose, as both of your legs are at a 90C angle. Start with RIGHT knee forward and place your right heel in line with right knee (to get the 90C happening). LEFT knee is in line with left hip. As you start to walk forward, come into the posture with your chest closer to right knee and then determine where your edge is while you slowly "edge" yourself towards the right heel. Stay on your elbows or let the chest come all the way down.
To TWIST from here you need to walk up, keep the legs as they are, but start to walk your hands around towards the right hip. I like this one with some bolstering under my belly - use some cushions or a yoga bolster if you have. But you don't need to. Support and elevation might be needed under the left knee.
AFTER: either come seated for Windshield Wiper (sitting with feet on the ground hip distance and dropping knees from side to side) or lie on your back in "mini-savasana". The do the other side with LEFT knee forward.
To TWIST from here you need to walk up, keep the legs as they are, but start to walk your hands around towards the right hip. I like this one with some bolstering under my belly - use some cushions or a yoga bolster if you have. But you don't need to. Support and elevation might be needed under the left knee.
AFTER: either come seated for Windshield Wiper (sitting with feet on the ground hip distance and dropping knees from side to side) or lie on your back in "mini-savasana". The do the other side with LEFT knee forward.
BUTTERFLY / 5 min | With soles of the feet together and slightly away from the body, round the spine and fold forward. If the traction feels too much for the neck, try support under the head. If pelvis does not tilt forward then fold a blanket under your seat. Finally if there is any knee discomfort try support under your thighs. AFTER: lie on your back, relax all effort |
Here is a printable, downloadable PDF format of the sequence. ![]()
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