A BEGINNER friendly yin sequence for liver and gallbladder. You'll find a sequence card, plus detailed descriptions of postures and variations. I am still working on getting my video project up and running again. Until then - this could be a good alternative. This is part of a SPRING TO YIN series - inspired by a workshop series I held here in Berlin. It is a seasonal offering, but these sequences of course can be used any time. |
SPRINGTIME is associated with the element WOOD and in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the element of Wood represents the Liver and the Gallbladder. In TCM the twelve organs and their functions are referred to as "Officials" - the kingdom would be your body, mind and spirit and each Official has its own function physically, mentally and spiritually for the benefit of all. The Liver function is called the "General of the Army" (or Official of Strategic Planning) - visioning the future, having a general plan, seeing the directions we must take to live our lives in harmony with nature. Its companion Gallbladder's function is to make wise judgements and decisions.
If you're familiar with Yin yoga scroll down and go straight to the practice. If not, then here are your basic guidelines:
If you're familiar with Yin yoga scroll down and go straight to the practice. If not, then here are your basic guidelines:
- never go to your maximum depth when entering a posture - pause when you feel first signs of resistance in the body
- keep softening and relaxing the outer muscles of the body
- remain still and patient and observant
The holding times in the brackets are mere suggestions. this particular sequence had beginners in mind, so I hold don't hold each pose for very long. Feel free to customize to your need and level.
BUTTERFLY (3-5 min) | With soles of the feet together and slightly away from the body, round the spine and fold forward. If the traction feels too much for the neck, try support under the head. If pelvis does not tilt forward then fold a blanket under your seat. Finally if there is any knee discomfort try support under your thighs. AFTER: lie on your back, relax all effort |
THREAD THE NEEDLE (2 min) | This posture links to the next one, so on the first side place RIGHT ankle over left knee, fingers can interlock behind the thigh or in front of the shin, whatever you can more easily reach. Use a strap when hands don't meet. AFTER 2 minutes go straight to the next posture (half happy baby) |
From thread the needle come straight to half happy baby by taking hold of the right foot or ankle, the sole of the foot faces the ceiling and you draw the knee towards the right armpit. See the variation if you find it difficult with the left leg straight. If it is still hard to reach the foot or the ankle, then bend the knee (heel towards sitting-bone), draw the knee out to the side and squeeze it towards the armpit.
AFTER: lie on your back with legs straight (30 seconds - 1 minute) and then repeat the two postures with LEFT leg.
AFTER: lie on your back with legs straight (30 seconds - 1 minute) and then repeat the two postures with LEFT leg.
WIDE KNEE CHILD POSE (3 min) | Transition to upright, take you knees as wide as is comfortable and walk the upper body forward. If your buttocks lift off the heels, place a blanket between buttocks and heels. If forehead does not come down then place block or a blanket under forehead. Rest you shoulders. You can also turn your head to one side, if your nose feels squashed (remember to rotate neck half way through). |
HALF SHOELACE (2 min) | This one also links directly to the next pose. Keep your left leg straight and fold the RIGHT knee over the left knee. If your pelvis is tilting back you should sit on top of a folded blanket or block. If you feel it is pulling a lot at the back of the left knee or the hamstring is very tight, fold a blanket under left knee. Round the spine forward, relax muscles completely. You can stay in half shoelace or AFTER 2 minutes transition to full shoelace. |
SHOELACE (2 min) | If you chose to change to full shoelace, then bend your bottom knee, both heels are close to outer hips. RIGHT knee stays on top. Sitting higher up on support makes this easier. If the bottom knee hurts at all, keep the bottom leg straight. You can stay seated upright if there is already plenty of sensation arising in the outer hip area or you can fold forward gently. Support with hands and push bodyweight back to hips. AFTER: untie your legs and lie on your back for 30 sec to 1 min before doing the other side. |
DRAGONFLY (3 min) | Spread your leg comfortably so you feel a gentle stretch through the inner thighs, relax your leg muscles completely. Again - sit yourself higher on a support if pelvis is tilting back. You can also bend the knees, in that case roll up blankets under the knees, so legs can still relax. Round the spine forward - only to an extent where you feel the first resistance rising, then stay there. You can use support under forehead if needed. AFTER: lie on your back and relax completely. |
HAPPY BABY (3 min) | ...variation |
Finish in happy baby, taking hold of both heels or ankles, lifting soles of the feet up to ceiling and drawing knees down towards the armpits. See the variation, if you cannot reach the heels. Also for some people, placing a pillow or a folded blanket under the sacrum will help to reach the heels better. Keep your head down and shoulder as relaxed as possible. Guide breath below the navel, as if you're breathing right into your pelvic bowl.
Here is a printable, downloadable PDF format of the sequence. ![]()
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