Props to have handy - couple of blankets, if you have then a bolster, blocks, optional belt/strap.
(To skip intro go to 2min:35sec)
If you want to practice to music, I created a Winter Water Yin Yoga playlist on Spotify
(Please consider buying the music you love to support the musicians creating it!!)
The sequence focuses on stimulating Kidney and Urinary bladder meridian lines, to support the Water element during Winter time.
From a YinYang cyclical perspective, Winter-time is the most Yin of the seasons inviting us to embrace yin qualities like stillness, the movement is downward and inward, a time for reflection, a time for deep rest and dreaming, a time of death and rebirth, inventory, completion...
In a monthly cycle this could fit a New Moon time when our energy level is naturally lower and the darkness encourages us to slow down and stay more inwardly tuned.
If you are new to Yin yoga, the most important principles to follow are:
- enter into a pose until the body naturally stops, don't push or pull yourself deeper
- as you settle into the shape relax the muscles
- stay tuned and listening to the body: carefully notice when to lean in and when to back off, there is no room for pain in the practice
- invoke yin qualities of stillness, softness, acceptance, patience
(When practicing without the video, choose your own timing for each pose. Suggested length is 3-5 min):
(Please consider buying the music you love to support the musicians creating it!!)
The sequence focuses on stimulating Kidney and Urinary bladder meridian lines, to support the Water element during Winter time.
From a YinYang cyclical perspective, Winter-time is the most Yin of the seasons inviting us to embrace yin qualities like stillness, the movement is downward and inward, a time for reflection, a time for deep rest and dreaming, a time of death and rebirth, inventory, completion...
In a monthly cycle this could fit a New Moon time when our energy level is naturally lower and the darkness encourages us to slow down and stay more inwardly tuned.
If you are new to Yin yoga, the most important principles to follow are:
- enter into a pose until the body naturally stops, don't push or pull yourself deeper
- as you settle into the shape relax the muscles
- stay tuned and listening to the body: carefully notice when to lean in and when to back off, there is no room for pain in the practice
- invoke yin qualities of stillness, softness, acceptance, patience
(When practicing without the video, choose your own timing for each pose. Suggested length is 3-5 min):
- Reclined butterfly (with or without a bolster under the back)
- Sphinx pose - option to change into Seal (rest on the belly, in chlid-pose or cat-cow)
- Half-butterfly (right leg forward) OR on the back with (right) leg in a strap (Supta Padangustasana) --- change to Half Happy Baby (still holding right leg) OR (right) knee to chest
- Rest on the back, then do left side
- Caterpillar
- Savasana